Let’s call this tip the bouncing-tennis-ball method. I’m giving it a stupid name but as you’ll see, it’s a technique for attaining samadhi taught by Patanjali in the ancient Yoga Sutras. Sadhana doesn’t get more serious than that! I assume you’ve read my article How to Stop Thoughts and understand what it means to be […]
How to Stay Conscious 1
I assume you know what it’s like to be conscious. If not, you can find out by following the suggestions in my article How to Stop Thoughts. The next step is to remain in that state as intensely as possible, as frequently as possible, and as long as possible. Most people find this hard to […]
Sadhana 1
Sadhana means ‘practice’ in Sanskrit, the language of Hindu scriptures. ‘Sadhanas’ are exercises or techniques that can help people get enlightened. I’ve named this sadhana ‘Number One’ because if you could write a syllabus for enlightenment — you can’t, of course, but if you could — this sadhana might be a prerequisite for the […]
Sadhana 26
Sadhana means ‘practice’ in Sanskrit, the language that the oldest Yoga books were written in. It means an exercise that people can do to help get enlightened. Sadhana is to enlightenment what weight-lifting is to muscles. Sorry, no, I don’t know where you can buy steroids for enlightenment. The basic idea of the sadhana that […]
Charlie’s Magic Camera
My friend Charlie — excuse me, my brother Charlie — often sends me pictures that he takes with a certain camera. Either Charlie has a strange talent or there is something unusual about this camera. Maybe both. Yesterday he sent this picture of a dead salmon. I wrote and said: “Okay, let’s face it, this […]
My Two Days at Meenakshi Amman Temple
The first two posts on this blog pay homage to my guides and protectors, the Goddess and Sri Ramana Maharshi. No amount of thanks could ever be adequate. In a way my spiritual path began during the experience I’m about to describe although I wasn’t aware of until many years later. For a prequel to […]
Ramana Maharshi and Meenakshi Amman Temple
The first two posts on this blog pay homage to my guides and protectors, the Goddess and Sri Ramana Maharshi. No amount of thanks could ever be adequate. The house where Ramana Maharshi lived as a teenager is about 300 feet from Meenakshi Amman Temple in Madurai, India, as shown in this picture from Google Earth: […]