Quoted from Journey of Sri Mahaprabu. Black emphasis is Mahaprabu’s; green is Freddie’s. Then came the words from Karl [Renz], as if he had read Mahaprabu’s mind. “Come on, ask the question!” (He probably saw the smile on my [Mahaprabu’s] face) Mahaprabu: “Myself?” Karl: “Yes! You.” Mahaprabu: “You are telling ‘Drop the mind.’ But how […]
Month: August 2022

Dream sadhana
I’m writing this post to answer a question that A Ramana Devotee, who wrote this guest article a few years ago, asked recently in a comment. A useful concept before I start: Years ago my friend Jyothi invented the term “imposed sadhana” to describe a spiritual practice that we do without choice. Nisargadatta gave an […]

My thoughts about this blog
For the last couple of days I’ve been trying to start posting again after a hiatus because several people asked me to. I’m having a lot of trouble because the only thing that interests me nowadays is Self-realization and I’m not Self-realized so I can’t write about it. When I say “Self-realization” I mean Ramana’s […]

Muzika on watching the waking state come to us
Reminder: When I write about spiritual teachers I’m not necessarily recommending them or endorsing claims about their states. A couple of weeks ago I happened to listen to one of Ed Muzika’s satsang talks in which he gives a first-hand description of something that Ramana often recommended: noticing the process of waking from deep sleep. […]